November 1999 - Streatham
Flat Warming and My Birthday Party

St Christopher Award for the furthest traveler: Pete (Bristol)

Shortest Journey Home Award: "Downstairs" Sarah

"I'm only four hours early" Award: Bruce

Award for the most embarrassing incident: Helen ("I grabbed a man's cock.")

Comedian Wanabe Award: Christian

Special Award for Virtual ICQ friends: Amanda & Steve

Shrink Award for Psychoanalysis: Rachael

Romeo and Juliet Award: Bruce and Sarah

"But you were supposed to phone me" Award: Zac and Shirley

Worst Dressed Person Award: me (forgot I was wearing slippers all night)

Glazier's Award: me (but had a 'smashing' time)

Worst excuses for not turning up:
Dan: "too drunk"
Dave: "too sober"
Meinir: "too tired"
Bill: "fell asleep on someone's sofa in Enfield"